


For those people who are keen to make changes to their body weight or composition an exercise regime alone will not produce the desired results. Your day to day nutrition is equally, if not more important. Ways I can help you below…

I have found that encouraging clients to following the NHS 12 week weight loss programme works very well .

It is a programme we can access together via the NHS  app to see how you are progressing, we can also follow your nutrition closely and map out your progress.

In addition, I will encourage clients to use a Myzone heart monitor when they are training either with me our when you exercise by yourself so that together we can see together the levels of exercise across each week you are achieving..

Looking at where you are now

I can help you work out your current body condition e.g. B.M.I. and map your current eating habits by using a food diary. A key word here is “habits”, you should know that it takes at least 12 weeks to develop new exercise and eating habits. When these are in place you will be well on the way to making permanent lifestyle changes and be able to see and feel the benefits.

Setting realistic targets for the change you want

It is always nice to have medium/long term objectives identifying where you want to get to but also have some short-term objectives you can achieve each week, that you can tick off along the way. I will help you set these objectives and provide advice about what are usually simple things that need to be done to achieve your results but are often difficult to stick to without support and encouragement.

Monitoring your progress through regular body checks

As the saying goes “nothing succeeds like success” so we will encourage you to regularly review your progress, checking of food diaries, reviewing objectives achieved and setting new ones. I will do this when we meet up or using interactive technology online, if you prefer.

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